
Wu Tiao Ren Poster Exhibition


特别鸣谢 Special thanks:摩登天空  Modern Sky

展期 Duration:2017.5.6-5.20

开幕 Opening:2017.5.6  3:00pm

地址 Address:广州市海珠区怡乐路51号金乐大厦写字楼3楼307室

Yile Road No.51| Jinle Building Fl.3rd| Rm307| Haizhu District| Guangzhou



关于五条人乐队  Wu Tiao Ren

五条人乐队。来自广东,主要成员有仁科、茂涛、邓博宇、于典。 2009年7月发行第一张民谣专辑《县城记》,凭此唱片,五条人荣获该年度中国“华语传媒音乐大奖/最佳民谣艺人”、《南方周末》年度致敬音乐大奖”等7个音乐奖项。2012年5月发行双CD唱片《一些风景》后,受到众多音乐评论家的高度好评,次年获得第十三届华语传媒音乐大奖“最佳乐队及最佳民谣艺人”。2015年发行《广东姑娘》,荣获台湾第六届“金音奖”等奖项。2016年12月推出最新唱片《梦幻丽莎发廊》,次年荣获阿比鹿音乐奖“年度民谣唱片”。五条人的音乐创作取材于现实生活、新闻事件、民间传说。乐曲风格多元,从地方戏曲、港台流行歌、民族音乐、西方摇滚、街头卖艺中吸取养分。不断尝试打破一些常规,去拓宽歌曲的可能性。

Wu Tiao Ren is a band from Haifeng| its main members being Ren Ke| Mao Tao| Deng Boyu and Yu Dian. In July 2009| they released the first album “ A Tale of Haifeng” that received several musical awards| including “the Best Folk Musician” by the Chinese Media Music Awards| “Honorary Music Award” bySouthern Weekly| etc. In May 2012| the band released their 2-CD album “Some Scenery” that has been highly complimented on and appreciated by many music critics. In the following year| they received the “Best Band” and Best Folk Musician” awards presented by the 13th Chinese Media Music Awards. In 2015| Wu Tiao Ren released the album “Canton Girl” that has received several awards| among which was the 6thTaiwan Golden Music Awards. Their latest album “Dreamy Lisa Salon” met the public in Dec. 2016| and has been awarded “Folk Music Album of the Year” by Abilu Music Awards. The music of Wu Tiao Ren has always been inspired by real life conditions| current social events and folklore. They are given to diversified music styles since they are used to learning from various resources| such as local opera| Hong Kong and Taiwan pop music| folk music| western Rock ‘n’ Roll| street singers| and so on. And the band never stops thinking outside the box to explore more possibilities in their musical adventure.



胡镇超  Hu Zhenchao




Hu Zhenchao (Hu Zi) | 2012 graduated from Visual Communication Design of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute| 2014 founded the "Hu Zi design studio". Cooperate with Wu Tiao Ren since 2009| in charge of designing posters| advertising video| albumn| stage visual effect| etc.

Personal website: http://cargocollective.com/hzc









“Back to Haifeng?” By riding a horse or taking a pig? Have already bought the train tickets? Why “Back to Haifeng?” Seeking for first love| nostalgia| or land without property right? Perhaps pull out the ancestor from the earth| party with him?

Posters are a form of evocation. Recently the Wu Tiao Ren “Back to Haifeng Live” cancel by some irresistible reason| but posters stay forever| guards for the non-existent| un-occurred concert.

Why Dreamy Lisa Salon? Cause Wu Tiao Ren is a condensed southern subtropical wet dream| every designer works for Wu Tiao Ren——no matter professional or amateur——don’t want to wake up from it| and become a new person in the dream.

And they all want to messing around| under the name of Wu Tiao Ren.

Text / Zhang Xiaozhou






Two years ago| Ren Ke and Mao brought in front of me their new recording to see if I could shoot a MV out of that. Eventually I decided to give them some of my edited videos so that they could take the liberty to use them to create background visual effects during live performance. I didn't get to see how this turned out until I went to their concert| and I was very much pleased because their music has brought brand-new vitality and a different interpretation to my videos. Recently| there has been some criticisms regarding their untamed spirit in music| which| accordingly| seems to gradually fade away as they’ve become successful and further away from their roots. From my perspective| their untamed musical spirit stems from their instincts| which is also the exact reason that drove them away from Haifeng and into the big wild jungle out there. I believe that all artists are confronted with the same problem| that is| how to create more challenges. Or could this whole discussion be about their being better-off than before? Fine! Good for them! Let’s go Dutch when we dine together next time. 

Text / Huang Xiaopeng

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